Down Syndrome Awareness Month

October recognizes Down Syndrome Awareness Month. During the month, events take place not only to raise awareness but to shine a light on the abilities and dreams of those with Down Syndrome. Down Syndrome Awareness Month seeks to break down barriers and focus on promoting advocacy for people with Down syndrome.
For generations, when someone was born with Down Syndrome, it was often deemed a sad event. However more and more, perspectives are changing. Much like we receive assistance to see, hear or walk, someone with Down Syndrome’s abilities vary. Men, women, and children with Down syndrome are more than their number of chromosomes. They are composed of their families, the people they love, the music they play, and the sports they follow. Their interests and friendships are as broad and varied as their personalities. Just like every other human being on earth, they have dreams and goals, too. Through support and advocacy, their achievements know no bounds.
Whether they cheer for the winning team or play on it, communities and organizations recognize the opportunities to improve the social and economic lives of people with Down Syndrome. When they are seen as a person and not a condition, they become the everyday people in our lives. Our friends, co-workers, and classmates become an integral part of our community.
The National Down Syndrome Society started Down Syndrome Awareness Month in the 1980s.