Updated App Versions:
- Android TV – 1.24.0 (7.35.37)
- Android Phone / Tablet – 1.24.0 (1.24.34)
- Apple TV / Phone / Tablet – 1.24.0 (7.34.39)
The Live section now includes two presentation modes:
1. Grid Guide
- Text-based
- Channels are in ascending order listed vertically
- Half hour increments horizontally from live point up to two days’ worth of upcoming programs
2. Landscape List
- More visual
- Vertically scrolling visual list of currently airing programs
- Ascending order by channel number.
- One column on phones and three on tablets
Currently airing program list items will now include:
- The episodes or movie artwork
- The series or movie title. In the case of sports games, team names will be displayed instead of the series name.
- The program start and end time
- The channel logo
Recording badge enhancements:
- Scheduled recordings and completed recordings are now both represented by the solid red circle. When a recording is in progress, the red circle gives a pulse animation.
Settings Simplification:
- Sections including: Privacy Policy, Terms of Service, About Nielsen Measurement, Privacy Center, and Accessibility Statement are now listed under a Legal section.
Platform Updates:
- Optimized Guide Service
- Tech Upgrades for User Preferences & Recent Service.
- Several Recording Service bugs relating to rights checks have also been addressed
- And many more!